With regard to the lawyers professional tariffs in Italy they are no binding and mandatory as the professional is allowed to freely establish – in agreement with his client – fees other than the ministerial ones. Therefore, the fees of “Zagamilaw” are calculated by previous agreements with the clients having reference to:
"Zagamilaw" carries out its activity and invoices its services according to whether the client engages "Zagamilaw International Firm" and/or "Zagamilaw Network Service".
Classic flat rates and therefore to the Official Lawyers Tariffs and professional fees for extrajudicial activities based on the ministerial parameters. With this regard it is pointed out that the Decree number 55/2014 named “Determination of the parameters for the payment of fees for the legal profession pursuant to art. 13 paragraph 6 of the law 31 December 2012 n. 247” has been recently updated by the new Decree number 147 of 13/08/2022 which has established from 23 October 2022 an increase of the classic flat rates. By way of example for a legal international case having a value of 500.000 euro the new fees are set by Decree number 55/2014 in 9.246 euro net of expenses and taxes.
Anglo-Saxon hourly mode and therefore the fees due for each individual hour or part of an hour in which the assistance, consultancy and representation activities of the lawyers are carried out such as interviews with the client in the office and/or outside the office, telephone sessions, discussion of the dispute, participation in hearings, oral discussions, congresses in and out of the office, examination and study of the documents, drafting of legal documents or opinions and any other document which is necessary or required to be drafted by the professionals. As an indication the hourly rate applied by the ZagamiLaw International Law Firm varies from 100 euro if the service is provided by a simple collaborator up to 300 euro if it is provided by the main partner.
At the time of assigning the task of assistance, representation and defense in judicial and extra-judicial disputes and of the request for advice and/or drafting of opinions having any object and value, the client may choose to calculate the fees of the ZagamiLaw International Law Firm through the classic method or the anglo-saxon one as highlighted above. It should be noted that in addition to and/or in parallel with the methods described above, “Zagamilaw” also usually applies the so-called system of the “success fee”, by virtue of which the remuneration is paid as a percentage only in the event that the Firm is able to achieve a favorable result for the client both in court and out of court, for example by obtaining an economic saving or a gain in a transaction.
The data to issue invoices to the Zagamilaw Firm are: “Avvocato Paolo Zagami – VAT number 10517401005 – Via Barletta 29, Rome, 00193 – Code KRRH6B9”. The data to issue invoices to the Zagamilaw Company are: “ZagamiLaw Network Service S.r.l.s – VAT number 16247201003 – Via Catone 6, Rome, 00192 – Code W7YVJK9.